We commonly use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet for every day data entry. In this blog post, we can see how we can validate data based on a criteria to avoid mistakes in the data entry.
Let us say we are entering Name of the Student, Subject, Marks Obtained and Max Marks.
It is commonsense that the marks obtained shall not be more than Max marks and not less than 0 unless your exams are valued with negative scores.
Without validation, excel could allow any number of digits in the marks obtained column.
To control the user from entering the numbers only between 0 and 100, Go to Data Tab in the Main menu and Choose Data Validation Function under Data Tools.
In the Data Validation dialog box, please enter Whole number under the Allow drop box and in Data, choose between. Minimum number is 0 and Maximum number is 100. Click Ok to continue.
To inform the user while entering the data, we can give customized error message in the Input Message Tab as below.
In the Error Alert Tab, we can give customized error message for the user just in case he/she enters a wrong value.
The image below shows the user our customized input message on how to enter the data.
Given below is the sample of the error alert message just in case the user enters a wrong value.